Friday, November 25, 2011

Welcome To The New Bell Automotive Website and Blog!

Hello! Glad you could join us at the brand new Bell Automotive website! We hope you don’t mind we moved from a road to a superhighway over here. We felt you, the consumer, deserved a quicker, easier way to buy Bell Automotive products before the upcoming Holiday Season. We’ll walk you through a few of the changes we’ve made so you can familiarize yourself with the new layout.


We took the best features of our old look (the magazine style slider bar, eye-catching colors and the same great products)…

and we transformed our site into this…

Now you have more images, information in fewer clicks, and more user-friendly navigation!

To look for your favorite Bell Automotive products, simply scan and click on the vertical column to left hand side of the screen, where you can find everything from tire inflators and seat covers to license plate covers and USB power accessories for your vehicle.

Horizontally, you can peruse our featured brands like Victor (for bulbs, fuses, car lighters, tools, tire hardware, etc.) or Monkey Grip (for tire gauges, hardware and repair, pneumatic accessories and inner tubes).

Click on the “Wild Side” graphic for quick access to our LiveNation Rock-N-Roll seat covers from bands like KISS and Lynyrd Skynyrd or you can click on the “Safe Side” graphic to zoom on over to our practical tools that help give you more control over your vehicle’s safety.


When you’re shopping for Bell Automotive products, you want to get them into your cart and shipped to your doorstep as quickly as possible. Now you can speed through the process like you’re driving on the Autobahn. You’ll love our new ONE PAGE CHECKOUT and the fact that we can now service all major credit cards, including:
  • Visa
  • Master Card
  • Discover
  • American Express

Now that you’re acclimated with our new vibe, you can spend some time deciding how you’d like to change the look of your vehicle to be more in line with your unique personality. Here at Bell Automotive we like to bring more FUN to your daily commute with our products and you’ll find limitless options for improving the look, comfort and safety of your vehicle here.

While you’re cruising around our site, don’t forget to fill in your email address at the lower right hand corner of the screen to receive special offers for the holiday season and beyond!

Be sure to visit our blog once a week for the latest product news!

1 comment:

  1. When it comes to the person who does auto repair, the term "mechanic" no longer applies. With most vehicles having a least a half dozen - and sometimes more than two dozen - electronic components, the term "automotive technician" is much more applicable.

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